Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Santa Baby... and Confusion on Christmas

I'm hanging in there  :-)  Contractions are consistent at 5-6 minutes apart and I'm dilating slowly.  Christmas Day I spent nearly 9 hours in L&D and progressed by 1 cm in the time I was there.  So what confusion happened on Christmas you ask???  Well, let me share...

We went to my in-law's house for Christmas Day; actually, they insisted.  I can see this as being something that may be a problem next Christmas.  Anyway, my contractions got to 3 minutes apart and we decided I needed to head to L&D.  My mother-in-law came with us, hopeful to meet her grandbaby on Christmas night, and even our oldest daughter came.  One of the other OB's in the practice was on call and was in the hospital delivering babies when we arrived.  They hooked me up to the TOCO monitor and we waited to be seen by the OB on call.  While we waited, they examined me and said I was not quite 2 cm dilated, started an IV, began fluids, and talked to us some about birthing plans.  We explained to the nurse that Dr. B was very insistent that this baby was going to have to be delivered by C-section and we explained why.  She made some notes and said that Dr. H would be to see me shortly.  And it really wasn't too long before he came in.  He came in, looked over paperwork, looked at the TOCO monitor, and said "Looks like we may have us a Christmas baby."  My husband and I exchanged excited but nervous glances while my mother-in-law and our oldest sat nearby beaming with joy.  But then Dr. H said something about hanging Pitocin in order to move the progression along.  So we asked him about the C-section.  Then we had to explain all over again about Roy, his position, Dr. B's plan and how he felt like it was the safest thing for baby Sydney.  Dr. H did not agree.  He said that fibroids are fibrous and can be manipulated out of the way by the placenta and baby.  He ordered a bedside ultrasound to get a look at the fibroid for himself.  Now, if you recall, this was the same doctor who saw me in the office around 20 weeks while my doctor was out of town, and is the one who after seeing the fibroid on ultrasound, combined with the problems I presented with, placed me on bed rest. So, ummm... what????  So ultrasound came up, and with Dr. H at their side, they looked at Roy and baby Sydney.  Dr. H concluded that the baby should be able to pass by the fibroid without difficulty and that no C-section was needed.  When we voiced our concerns over his decision, citing yet again what Dr. B had preached to us over and over during this pregnancy, preparing us for a C-section, he flat refused one.  He actually said "I will not be doing a C-section.  It is far safer for you to deliver naturally."  We asked about laboring and attempting vaginal delivery and if the baby became stressed at any point, if a C-section were possible at that point.  We also asked about removing Roy if a C-section were done, since that was Dr. B's plan.  Now don't get me wrong.  I understand that a lot of people opt for C-sections because they think it's less painful or whatever.  But that's not me.  I'm terrified of a C-section.  I had my daughter naturally.  Completely natural in fact, no drugs for pain.  They did give me Pitocin, but that's all.  No epidural or pain meds of any kind.  I had her in 3 hours.  I knew I could do it again.  I know the end game - a sweet baby to call my own.  However, Dr. B had drilled in us that it would be far to dangerous to attempt a vaginal delivery with this fibroid residing where it is.  He said it was safer for the baby to be delivered by C-section, and although the risk for me is higher with C-section, he felt it was in our best interest.  We agreed completely.  I most definitely will assume the higher risk if it means our baby has as little risk as possible.  We explained this to Dr. H.  He said our options were to labor with or without Pitocin and have the baby vaginally, or they can administer Stadol and/or Terbutaline, and once contractions are slowed, they can send me home and I can follow up with Dr. B. He also said that I most certainly could labor and attempt vaginal delivery, but if the baby was stressed, he would consider a C-section, although he was nearly certain that wouldn't be the case, and if it were to happen, he would in no circumstance remove Roy, and that Dr. B was basically crazy for thinking he could. My husband and I glanced at each other and without discussion and without though, said almost simultaneously, "Send us home."  So he did!  The nurse gave me 2 doses of Stadol which backed the contractions up to 8 minutes apart.  She also checked my progression before we left and said I was at 4 cm dilated.  She gave us strict instructions to return if the contractions became closer together.

My mother-in-law and daughter were FURIOUS!  They were ready to put me in the car and take me to another hospital.  If it weren't for the fact that I trust Dr. B and he knows everything about Roy and my history, I probably would have let them.  But instead, we came home and I laid down. 

We were so confused.  So which doctor is right?  What is the best and safest for baby Sydney?  Were we doing the right thing??? 

On the 26th, we went to see Dr. B.  We explained what happened the night before.  You could tell Dr. B was very upset.  He actually apologized for Dr. H's words and behavior.  He said that no physician has the right to alter the primary physician's plans unless there is significant cause.  He said that Dr. H should have called and discussed concerns with him in order to get the whole picture instead of making us feel as if we were endangering me or the baby.  He indicated, without actually saying anything specific, that he and Dr. H don't often agree on things.  I'm not sure what their deal is, but Dr. B was sure to go over all of the pro's and con's of both C-section delivery and vaginal delivery for our specific situation.  He also had them do another ultrasound in which he stood next to me and observed the fibroid and it's location.  He again said that he felt like it would be safer for the baby to be delivered via C-section.  He said that with the location and size of Roy, that it could cause the baby to essentially get stuck entering the birth canal, which would then cause he a lot of distress, potentially set her up for aspiration and other breathing complications, cause the need for an emergency C-section and due to how the baby engages in the birth canal, the way they have to back the baby out could further cause stress and damage to the baby.  He reiterated multiple times that he felt it was much safer for the baby to be delivered by C-section, even though the risk for bleeding would higher for me.  We also discussed again the possibility of removing Roy during C-section.  He reassured us that once they were in there (the OB's do C-sections in teams of two; his surgical partner is Dr. F) and baby Sydney was safely in daddy's arms, they would examine Roy and his location to the large vessels that run though the uterus.  If they felt like it was safe from a blood loss perspective for them to remove Roy, they would attempt it.  If Roy was too close to the large vessels or they found anything that concerned them in regards to my safety, they would leave Roy and refer me back to Duke Fertility for a myomectomy.  He left the decision up to us; whatever we felt comfortable with.  We discussed it, and we agree with Dr. B.  Whatever is safest for Sydney.  So that is our plans.  Dr. B is having his nurse place detailed notes about our condition and our plan into L&D's notes to hopefully avoid this from happening again. 

So I'm 4 cm dilated, I have no idea bout effacement, even though they did say (forgive me, there was a lot going on), and currently my contractions are 5-6 minutes apart.  Sydney is measuring 7 pounds 4 ounces on ultrasound - wow!  She was 6 pounds 1 ounce last week!  Baby must be eating good  :)  Hahaha.  They did remind me that ultrasound measurements can be off by up to 1 pound in either direction.  Goodness - that means she could be over 8 pounds right now!  Wowsers! 

We're just waiting to start progressing again by dilation, for my water to break, or for January 10th to arrive.... whichever comes first  :-)

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