It's been rough around here since Friday. Sydney suddenly started screaming like she's in pain and it will go on for hours. It's like she's gassy because once she finally passes it, she calms down. She's been spitting up a lot too. We've been trying those tummy gas drops and gripe water with no success. We've talked to the nurse at the pediatrician's office twice as well. I can't stand hearing her scream like she's in so much pain and not knowing what to do to help her! My husband and I pace the floor holding her, singing to her, bouncing her, doing everything we can to help ease her. This is terrible!
We saw the pediatrician today and he thinks she has reflux. He's prescribed zantac. I also bought the Rock and Play because it is inclined and may help her. I'm praying this helps her. It's breaking our hearts :( Please pray that she begins to feel better.
She weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces today. I've been able to freeze 74 ounces of milk so far too. Not too shabby! I feel like I'm always either nursing Sydney or pumping though. My poor boobies. My manager hasn't returned my phone calls yet either, so I haven't been able to discuss my returning to work at 12 weeks. Pray that conversation goes well if and when I do hear from him.
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